Quality from Seed to Seal™

Independent Distributor
Be Successful.......Be Young Living
*Statements with claims have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease
Seed to Seal is Young Living’s way of authenticating our essential oils and protecting nature’s living energy in every bottle.
Young Living’s authentic essential oils capture the pure energy of the plant. This energy has proven therapeutic properties that can help move you to a life of wellness, purpose, and abundance.
Young Living’s oils are more effective than others on the market due to our strict quality-control process. From the moment the first seed is sown until the oil is sealed in the bottle, the Seed to Seal process ensures our oils deliver expected results.

The first step of this process — Seed — means we research plant species that offer the optimal therapeutic benefits, identify species with experts and document their source, and monitor the ongoing cultivation process to ensure the chosen plant species is used.
Potent essential oils come from plant species that have been authenticated by Young Living and industry experts through scientific research, field study, university partnerships, and on-site planting certification. Selecting seeds that produce the highest therapeutic value is a vital step in our Seed to Seal process.

Young Living’s knowledge of soil preparation, balance of sun and water, responsible weed and pest control, and wild-craft harvesting ensures that stringent standards are met. We continue to conduct research and remain dedicated to growing the highest quality aromatic plants.

Young Living’s proprietary low-temperature, low-pressure steam distillation process ensures that the beneficial plant compounds in every batch of essential oil remain uncompromised during the extraction process. This process is completed at just the right time to ensure all beneficial constituents are present to maximize the quality of the oil.

Each essential oil must pass Young Living’s stringent testing to ensure the optimal bioactive natural compounds are present. Young Living uses its own internal labs, in addition to third-party audits, to verify that international purity and potency standards are met and surpassed. Each oil is tested during various stages of distillation to determine the release of different pant constituents.

Young Living completes the Seed to Seal process by carefully sealing and inspecting each bottle of essential oil at our clean-room facility and shipping to members worldwide. Individual bottle labels are encoded with detailed tracking information that allows Young Living to trace each bottle of essential oil back to its source.