Residual income is money that you continue to make from one time efforts. Residual income is money that is generated on a recurring basis from work you have done once. The reason that Residual income is so popular is because it has the benefit of being different from the income you make from a regular job. With a regular job, you get paid once for your hours of effort, unlike “residual income,” which pays you many times for your effort.
Imagine getting paid years later on the efforts you put forth today - that is how you are paid in Young Living's lucrative compensation plan.
View as PDF Young Living's Uni-level Comp plan - click here Creating Abundance Booklet - click here
*The income figures mentioned are based on commission and bonus earnings and are indicative of incomes that can be made. These figures do not constitute a guarantee or promise of amounts to be earned. Your success and the income you earn from your Young Living business are determined by your effectiveness in helping others discover and incorporate Young Living products into their lives. Factors include your personal commitment to the products and to sharing with others, the number of distributors you have, the amount that each distributor purchases, and your effectiveness in building, teaching, and motivating a sales organization that includes other Young Living distributors who in turn are sharing and building their own organizations.